Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Sunday Scoop - September 13, 2015!

Have to Do

First, I want to say that I am super happy to be linking up with the Sunday Scoop again. I took quite the hiatus this summer and I haven't fully gotten back into the blogging swing yet. This is a perfect start. I am hoping to pick back up with 5 for Friday soon too!

So, here's what I have to do this week...

First, I need to figure out what the heck is going on with this Journeys curriculum. We adopted it this year and tomorrow will be my first lesson out of it. I really can't even wade through all of this stuff! Agh! Does anyone use Journeys for 5th grade? What are your "must use" pieces? I know that you should pick and choose the best parts but it's hard to sort through it all right now. Haha.

I need to go visit my grandpa at the hospital this evening. I haven't been super active on my blog lately because my grandpa had a stroke last week. He's been in the hospital for almost two weeks now and when I'm not in my classroom, that's where you can find me. I haven't had time to take care of TpT, the blog, cleaning my house, anything. In fact...I might have scheduled a cleaning service from Maid Brigade to help me get caught up after the hospital/back to school madness.

Last, I have some Poshmark sales that have been sitting for a few days that I HAVE TO GET MAILED OUT today!!

Hope to Do

I'm hoping to spend some QT with my computer, blog and buffer today. I am majorly crushing on Buffer lately to keep good content on my Facebook and Twitter pages. I'm already an IG addict so I don't need any help there. I have 5 great blog posts that I really want to write...and soon!

I also want to go pick up some new staple jewelry pieces for the school year at Charming Charlies. I love that store! My currently jewelry selections are feeling boring.

Happy to Do

I am happy to start my day with some exercise. Along with the cleaning, blog and everything else, my health and fitness has really taken a hit the past two weeks. I can tell that my body really needs it and I'm looking forward to doing some PiYo this morning and sweating/stretching it all out!

Click the picture above to join the Sunday Scoop and link up!

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