I've been printing up a storm to get ready for next year! I've found some amazing things for my room next year on TpT and they're going to add some serious flair to my walls while also helping me provide great visuals while I introduce topics not only at the beginning of the year, but throughout the year as well.
Some exciting things in this picture:
- Daily 5 posters: these will be perfect for introducing my Daily 5 work expectations at the beginning of the year and after school breaks. The colors are gorgeous and the graphics are so cute.
- iPad Pass: I'm going to add these into my class Dojo store
- How to be a Friend: These are going to drive our class meetings for the first month! I always talk a lot about being a good friend and these will serve as a visual reminder while we get started.
- Mathematical Practice Posters: I LOVE these! We are always trying to keep students focused on the objectives and it can be hard to remember what we're really trying to get kids to be able to do. Having these up will help everyone stay focused on our mathematical practice objectives.
- Textual Evidence Frames: I can't wait to introduce textual evidence sentence frames with these posters! Then, they'll go up and stay up for reference throughout the year.
- Good Readers Do These Things Posters: I love that these came will reading response sticks. These will be a great addition to getting started in my small reading groups.
More Great Stuff:
- End of the Year Awards: My students LOVED these. Plus, the graphics on them are way too cute!
- Character Eduction Posters: These posters will drive my class meetings after we finish the "how to be a friend" section. We always talk about character education and what it means to be a good person.
- We Believe Posters: This is just a cute little inspirational poster set that I'm going to add to a dull corner of the room.
- Math Objectives: These objective posters cover our math learning goals and objectives for our first math unit of the year! Now, I can just pull out our objective for that days lesson and hang it up. Easy and pretty!