Have to Do
I haven't replenished any of my protein powders or Quest bars in a long time because I had a really good run on the Whole 30! Lately, I've been missing them! Plus, as the year goes on, I am getting more and more and more tired. A girl just needs a Quest bar every now and then. I'll be placing an order for some more Quest protein powder and some Quest bars today for sure!
I also need to get into the chiropractor next week. As some of you know, I had a major bicycling accident last Sunday. I'm still covered with bruises, cuts, and other unpleasant reminders of my mishap. The impact has definitely been felt in my neck (I already have a neck injury from a car accident when I was 16) and I am well overdue for some chiropractic care. I hope that this can help the pain I've felt since my accident.
Bathrooms...that's about all there is to say!
Hope to Do
Our spring school pictures are on Tuesday. I get my hair touched up Tuesday night. That means, it's going to be grow-out central in my picture. I hope it comes out well!
I also had to reschedule my brow wax because my brow girl woke up with the flu on Sunday. I didn't want to risk catching it and cancelled my appointment. So my pictures will have overgrown brows and some serious hair grow-out. Cute.
Happy to Do
With that being said, who isn't happy to get their roots touched up?! Yay!

I hate school picture day! I was yearbook sponsor for too many years, and by the time I got around to my picture I was a mess! Good Luck.