Saturday, June 4, 2016

Reinforce & Review with Math Games!

I have to admit, when I created a bundle of math games, I envisioned myself using them regularly during instruction while teaching the corresponding unit. Let me tell you a secret. I used them irregularly during my instructional units. Here's where I've been able to really put them to use....end of the year reviews and reinforcement. I've been loving being able to pull these games out and see my students work independently on their math skills from the year!

One skill that my students have been needing tons of reinforcement with is rounding decimals. While they were able to accurately perform this during our instructional unit, it has continued to require tons of practice throughout the year. This is one skill that seems to slip away from them quickly. This game is fun to play and gets students to practice rounding in a fun and competitive way.

The students take turns writing a number and then they roll a dice to see what digit they're going to round too. If the partner gets stumped, you win a point. If the partner gets it correct, they win a point. In the end, the person with the most points earns the bragging rights for the day!

Want to pick up this game or a set of place value math games? Click on the images below!


Want to help students practice their mental math and reinforce their place value skills? Check out my freebie below!


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