I have something really special for you this week for Thoughtful Thursdays! Yes, this post is going up at the very last minute on Thursday but hey...it's still Thursday!. This week, I'm writing about using Instagram as part of a very special blog hop!!
Here is how this blog-hop works…
1. Read this post and make a note of my letter
2. Click on a link at the bottom to 'hop' onto one of my fab blogger friends posts
3. Read their post and make a note of their letter
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3!
5. Head to Year2tastic and use the 'Contact Me' section to submit your letter string-
There is no particular order to record the letters in- just ensure you have 6!
6. Once you have submitted your letters follow the steps on the Rafflecopter.
You can enter as many times as it allows you to over the course of the weekend.
Names with incorrect letter strings recorded will be deleted from the Rafflecopter
and IT will then decide the winner!

This blog hop is all about how we benefit from using Instagram to connect with other teachers and stay inspired! This blog hop couldn't have come at a better time because I really needed my Instagram teaching buddies this week!!
Let's face it, sometimes teaching is hard. Like really, really hard!! In those moments, I really need people who understand my professional life and people who understand my career. I don't think that anyone who hasn't taught can understand the highs and lows of teaching. This week, the lows flowed in and I relied heavily on my Instagram friends for the right dose of inspiration and positivity to uplift me, refocus me on my goals as an educator and carry me through the week!
The teachers that I follow on Instagram are so incredibly positive and uplifting that, no mater how hard the day may be or how trying times may get, you'll wake up with a reason to smile. You're inundated with quotes, pictures, great lessons, real-life videos of effective instruction happening in classrooms and it really helps set the tone for a great start to your day. Or...when you've had a rough day to remind you of how beautiful the great moments are.
I love checking Instagram first thing in the morning to see what my IG friends are saying and checking it after school to see all of the cool things that happened throughout their day. There are so many ways to connect with people because they're a like-minded group of individuals who share your interests and passions in life. I've connected with so many great teachers and I feel like I have a strong network of educators walking beside me that extends well beyond the boundaries of my classroom walls or school doors. With all that's going on in the world, it's nice to stop and enjoy the professionals all around the world who are walking alongside you each and every day.
What can I say...my IG buddies get me. And, I totally get them.
If you're looking for some great daily teaching inspiration, check out the following people on Instagram:
One Fab Teacher
Miss Johnston's Journey
Fab in Fifth
Teaching From Beyond the Desk
Art with Jenny K.
Mrs. O. Knows
And now...your letter is M...for Myranda! I hope you hop on over to the next blog, finish collecting letters and submit them to win a prize!
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