I have had quite the productive week! Since I've been so productive, I'm ready to kick off another series for my blog, Technology Tuesdays! I honestly contribute all of this blogging, TpT productivity to my knee injury. If I can't be at the gym, I might as well be working on my laptop, right?
Today, I want to showcase a fun website that I learned about from one of colleagues called Study Jams. This service used to be a paid service and now it's offered for free. It houses a ton of videos and slideshows focusing on math and science. My students love using Study Jams! In fact, my best sub plan activity is anything involving Study Jams! They stay engaged and focused the whole time!
I created a product to go along with this great service and I have plans to make tons more! When I say tons more, I mean one for every topic. I almost have the second one completed. I had to take a break because my hands start to hurt from typing so much! I plan to have it finished by the end of the week though :)
Right now, I have an interactive science notebook up focusing on the solar system. It coordinates with the Study Jams on the solar system and I think it'll keep your kids hooked!
If you love interactive notebooks and you love technology-based lessons that can be done independently and paced/modified to fit your students, you're going to love this notebook set!!
Click the cover image below to see it in my store!
Here's a preview of the entire product!!
On another note, my TpT store is getting really close to 100 followers. I really want to celebrate this accomplishment because this feels HUGE to me. I am thinking about discounting my entire store to $1.00 (because that's kind of like 100) for 24 hours. I haven't decided yet though. Or should I just do a giveaway using rafflecopter or something for store credit? Thoughts??

I think marking everything to a dollar is genius! Everyone is a winner!