Hello fellow teachers and readers!! I am so happy to share some great end of the year classroom management thoughts and tricks with you for this month's Bright Ideas Link Up!
Well, I'm here to deliver a little dose of classroom management positivity to help you regain your focus, rally in your class, and end the year with positive vibes!!
1) Remember who your students are.
I truly believe in the quote below. When that kid gets out of his seat for the 17 time during and you think your brain is going to explode, take a second and remember what you're doing in that moment that might be triggering it.
Yes, seriously...this late in the year! I don't think there's a time that they need the reminder more than they do right now. We teach them in September. We teach them again in December. We teach them again in April. Save yourself some stress and anguish and teach them again in June!! Reteach them everyday...like it's day 1.
"We're going to pack up and now and I need to see people with their voices off. You should go straight to your backpack and mailbox and then straight back to your desk. (Insert struggling student's name), do you think you can show the class how we pack up in this room?"
All of the routines, all the time.
3) Don't just let it slide.
When you let their disrespect or poor behavior slide, you're passively teaching them that it's ok. "Sure, it's ok to scream your head off in line from the playground to the door." It's not ok. You know it's not ok. Don't make it acceptable by avoiding it. Implement an immediate consequence so that it stops there and doesn't continue for the next 2-5 weeks.
4) Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
If they're too loud in the morning, stop them. Walk all the way back and do it all over again. Too much talking when they lined up for recess? Go all the way back and start all over again. This kind of goes along with not letting it slide. Remind them what your expectations are and don't let them get away with anything less than that!!
5) Watch great teachers in action and get inspired!
I LOVE Teach Like a Champion. It inspires me endlessly! Watch some of the videos if you can!!
6) Listen to some inspirational podcasts!
Have you ever heard of Sheila Jane Teaching? If not, you should really look her up online or in your podcast app if you have iTunes. She inspires me daily. Heck, even follow her on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. She's always brining cheerful thoughts and peaceful mantras to the table. Sometimes, I just play one of these in the morning while I'm getting ready for the day. It always changes my mood before the kids come in! I love her videos and podcasts! She gets it, I promise!
Now, I know that none of these ideas are breathtaking strategies that you've never heard before. However, I just wanted to send you a little positive reminder that you can make it through. The struggle won't last forever if you push through and fall back on what you know to be effective!!
Please leave a comment with your favorite classroom management strategy below!!

Loved that video and all of your ideas are spot on. Thanks for the reminder!