Today, I'm getting into the back-to-school spirit with Blog Hoppin and participating in their 5 Fun Facts linky!
1. I took a beautiful trip to Greece this summer!
2. I run a summer camp in London. I've been in London for the past 5 summers and I've been with the company for 6 years.
3. I freelance as a makeup artist and I've been with M•A•C for 3 years. <3
4. I live with my boyfriend of (almost) 6 years! WHAT??
5. I used to be 60 pounds heavier. I lost a ton of weight and I work super hard to keep it off. You may see a #transformationtuesday photo on Instagram every now and then to celebrate!
How did you hear about a camp in London? That sound's like quite the adventure. Your transformation in beautiful. Way to go!