Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday Scoop - October 18, 2015

Woah...I have a busy day ahead of me!!

I have been participating in a blog audit recently and one suggestion was that my font was a little too small. I'm trying out a new font size with this post. Let me know what you think.

First of all, cleaning has been my last priority lately. I have to fix that today! I'll go crazy if I don't take care of things around here today.

I've been working super hard to learn Photoshop. I'm taking  self-study online course and it's a lot of fun but so so so so much to learn! I'm still in the slow stages of learning the controls. I haven't actually made anything yet.

Another high priority is to head to the Halloween store. I'm working at MAC on Halloween and I need to have a little something to dress up with. I'm not sure which direction I'm going yet but I'll be sure to let you know and share some pics!

I need a few hours to catch up with responding to emails, messages, and grading in the courses that I teach online for the community college. 

Other than can find me binge watching Arrow. Still.

Come link up and share your week with us!


  1. I think the font size looks good! Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. Sounds like a busy week!

    Marissa at
