I'm linking up with two blogs today for Freebie Friday! For the special occasion, I decided to make one of my best selling products free until noon tomorrow (February 28th). I've never offered this product for free so I think this is a great Freebie Friday!
I teach using the EngageNY curriculum and, for the most part, I really like it! I've made some modifications to the presentation of some stuff this year and these application problem workbooks are one thing that I've modified. The content and questions are the same but I compiled all of the questions into one neat little workbook for the students. I also added the answer key to it for teacher reference. This makes it super easy to assign and review application problems!
The best thing is, in my opinion, that this book can be used without the EngageNY curriculum. All of these questions are real-world applications of the concepts that engage the students in problem solving tasks. Even without the curriculum, you can give the students this workbook and have them practice solving word problems and applying mathematical concepts!
Check out my product by clicking on the cover image below!

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