My students have a math test next week and I always give them at home practice and in-class practice so that they feel comfortable on the real test when it's time to take it. I need to get their practice ready for both home and at school.
My reading groups have been loving reader's theater lately. They keep asking me for it! I tell them that they can do it if they get their work done and we have extra time in the week. They usually take me up on the offer. I hope that they do again this week because reader's theater is so much more fun than reading comprehension passages.
Lastly, I am so ready for my root touch up later this week. Being an unnatural blonde is hard work.
What do you have going on this week? Link up with us and leave a comment!
The Sunday Scoop is hosted by Teaching Trio!

I cannot wait for my hair appointment next is past time! I hope you have a wonderful week!
My students LOVE reader's theaters too! I found a Valentine's Day one on TpT that I am excited to have the students work on this week!
Wow! Congrats on your featured post! I totally hear you on the root front- I am a natural blonde but not quite as 'blonde' as I am with the help of a hairdresser- I've been waiting for 6 months for an appointment! Aggghhh! Have a fab week Xx